
Understanding Nonprofit Statements of Activities

statement of activity

Conversely, if a project does well, the organization can invest more in it and apply the insights to other projects. That said, nonprofits can choose other reporting periods, like the calendar year, depending on their needs or any specific regulations they Accounting For Architects have to follow. The main thing is to stick with the same reporting period consistently, so the financial analysis stays accurate and easy to compare over time.

Importance of Expense Allocation and Its Impact on the Nonprofit’s Efficiency

statement of activity

This is useful for tracking the programs that are doing well and those that need more funding. Generally, nonprofits try to limit their operating expenses as much as possible to lower their overhead. It’s important to find the balance between reducing overhead to fund your mission and ensuring you dedicate enough funding to your operating activities to continue growing and expanding your organization. You’re required by FASB 117 to report your expenses by functional classification, meaning you’ll need to at least split up your expenses by administrative, fundraising, and program costs.

Other Resources

statement of activity

Understanding and effectively utilizing the Statement of Activities is crucial for nonprofit organizations to achieve financial stability and fulfill their mission. If you need help or have any other accounting concerns, book a free consultation with a Velu CPA expert today. Our dedicated team is here to support you in managing your nonprofit’s finances and achieving long-term sustainability. Revenue includes cash inflow such as donations, grants, membership dues, and income from services or products offered by your nonprofit. Expenses, representing the cost of goods sold and operating expenses, are the costs your nonprofit incurs during its business operations, including program delivery and fundraising activities. Restricted revenue for a nonprofit is revenue that is to be used to a particular purpose.

  • For example, granting organizations may require the funds provided to be dedicated toward a specific service or purpose.
  • The FBI is taking the lead in the investigation and is investigating this incident as an act of terrorism.
  • This is useful for tracking the programs that are doing well and those that need more funding.
  • The purpose of the change in net assets is to articulate the net assets or equity of the statement of financial position.
  • Get our FREE GUIDE to nonprofit financial reports, featuring illustrations, annotations, and insights to help you better understand your organization’s finances.

Nonprofit Accounting Terms

statement of activity

Temporarily restricted net assets, on the other hand, come with donor-imposed restrictions that limit their use to specific purposes or time periods. For example, a donor might specify that statement of activity their contribution be used for a particular program or project, or within a certain timeframe. Once the conditions are met, these assets can be reclassified as unrestricted. This category of net assets requires careful tracking and reporting to ensure compliance with donor intentions and to maintain trust and transparency. Fundraising expenses are the third major category and include costs incurred to raise additional funds. This can encompass a wide range of activities, from organizing fundraising events to running marketing campaigns and maintaining donor databases.


This means that a nonprofit statement of activities should have at least two categories. Since their mission isn’t to operate for profit, they don’t need CARES Act to show a profit statement. They do need to show how they are using their revenues and expenses to achieve their mission. FastFund Accounting automatically generates your Statement of Activities with the proper segregation of revenue classes and expense functional categories.

statement of activity

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